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Mr. Sunil Mehta -DNEP(INK)
Neotia Getwel Healthcare Centre



Human body contains over 400 skeletal muscles
40-50% of total body weight.

Functions of skeletal muscle

Body movement (Locomotion)

Maintenance of posture


Diaphragm and intercostal contractions

Communication (Verbal and Facial)

Constriction of organs and vessels:-

 Peristalsis of intestinal tract
 Vasoconstriction of blood vessels and other structures (pupils)

Production of body heat (Thermogenesis)

Skeletal muscles

·Most are attached by tendons to bones

·Cells are multinucleated

·Striated – have visible banding

·Voluntary – subject to conscious control

·Cells are surrounded and bundled by connective tissue =

 great force, but tires easily

Sarcolemma = Cell membrane

Sarcoplasm = Cytoplasm

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum = Endoplasmic Reticulum

Sarcosomes = Mitochondria

Structure of skeletal muscle: connective tissue covering


     Surrounds entire muscle


        Surrounds bundles of muscle fibers


      Surrounds individual muscle fibers

Muscle proteins

Contractile proteins 

Actin- thin myofilament

Myosin- thick filament

Regulatory proteins



Attachment proteins 

Titin, nebulin, alpha actinin, dystrophin

Skeletal muscle structure

Composed of muscle cells (fibers), connective tissue, 

blood vessels, nerves

Fibers are long, cylindrical, and multinucleated

Tend to be smaller diameter in small muscles and larger in 

large muscles. 1 mm- 4 cm in length

Muscle fiber anatomy

Sarcolemma - cell membrane

 Surrounds the sarcoplasm (cytoplasm of fiber)

Contains many of the same organelles seen in other 


An abundance of the oxygen-binding protein myoglobin

Punctuated by openings called the transverse tubules 


Narrow tubes that extend into the sarcoplasm at right 

angles to the surface

Filled with extracellular fluid

Myofibrils -cylindrical structures within muscle fiber

Are bundles of protein filaments (myofilaments)

Two types of myofilaments

1.Actin filaments (thin filaments)

2.Myosin filaments (thick filaments)

-At each end of the fiber, myofibrils are anchored to the

inner surface of the sarcolemma.

-When myofibril shortens, muscle shortens (contracts).

Thin Filament: composed of 3 major proteins

1.F (fibrous) actin



Two strands of fibrous (F) actin form a double helix 

extending the length of the myofilament; attached at 

either end at sarcomere

Composed of G actin monomers each of which has a myosin-

  binding site

Actin site can bind myosin during muscle contraction.

Tropomyosin: an elongated protein winds along the groove

 of the F actin double helix. 

Troponin is composed of three subunits:

Tn-A : binds to actin

Tn-T :binds to tropomyosin

Tn-C :binds to calcium ions.

Many elongated myosin molecules shaped like golf clubs.

Single filament contains roughly 300 myosin molecule

Molecule consists of two heavy myosin molecules wound 

together to form a rod portion lying parallel to the myosin 

myofilament and two heads that extend laterally. 

Myosin heads

1.Can bind to active sites on the actin molecules to form cross-

bridges. (Actin binding site)

2.Attached to the rod portion by a hinge region that can bend 

and straighten during contraction.

3.Have ATPase activity: activity that breaks down adenosine 

triphosphate (ATP), releasing energy. Part of the energy is used

 to bend the hinge region of the myosin molecule during 


Sarcomere - repeating functional units of a myofibril

 About 10,000 sarcomeres per myofibril, end to end

 Each is about 2 µm long

Differences in size, density, and distribution of thick and thin

 filaments gives the muscle fiber a banded or striated appearance.

1. A bands: a dark band; full length of thick  (myosin) filament.

2. M line - protein to which myosins attach.

3.H zone - thick but NO thin filaments.

4. I bands: a light band; from Z disks to ends of thick filaments.

Thin but NO thick filaments.

Extends from A band of one sarcomere to A band of the next sarcomere.

5. Z disk: filamentous network of protein. Serves as attachment for actin 


6. Titin filaments: elastic chains of amino acids; keep thick and thin 

        filaments in proper alignment.

Sarcoplasmic Reticulum (SR)

SR is an elaborate, smooth endoplasmic reticulum. 

runs longitudinally and surrounds each myofibril.
Form chambers called terminal cisternae on either side of the          T-tubules.

A single T-tubule and the 2 terminal cisternae form a triad.

SR stores Ca++ when muscle not contracting.

When stimulated, calcium released into sarcoplasm.
SR membrane has Ca++ pumps that function to pump Ca++ out 
of the sarcoplasm back into the SR after contraction.

Muscle contraction
The sliding filament model

Muscle shortening occurs due to the movement of the actin      
  filament over the myosin filament
Formation of cross-bridges between actin and myosin filaments
Reduction in the distance between Z-lines of the sarcomere

                                                                                                                            By- Mr. Sunil Mehta


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