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                                            Mr. Sunil Mehta -DNEP(INK)                    Neuroelectrophysiologist.                    Neotia Getwel Healthcare Centre SOMATOSENSORY EVOKED POTENTIAL: v Somato- Body v Sensory- sensation v Evoked - Image v Potential- Reading Ø Short latency somatosensory evoked potential are the electrical potential generated mainly by the large diameter peripheral and central sensory pathways in response to sensory stimulus. large  diameter  peripheral - Large fiber nerve cells have diameters more then about 5 MICROMETERS, AND SMALL FIBER ARE THINNER. THE LARGE FIBER ARE BIGGER BECAUSE THE AXON ARE SHEATHED IN FATTY WRAPPINGS CALLED "MYELIN" THIS HELPS THEM TO SEND SIGNALS FASTER THAN SMALL- FIBERS.    SSEP PATHWAYS:-  ◦ Dorsal root ganglia - Gracile and cuneate nuclei in the lower medulla -  fasciculi gracilis and cuneatus in the spinal cord - pons -  medial lemnis
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Mr. Sunil Mehta -DNEP(INK) Neuroelectrophysiologist Neotia Getwel Healthcare Centre MUSCLE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS INTRODUCTION: • Human body contains over 400 skeletal muscles 40-50% of total body weight. Functions of skeletal muscle • Body movement (Locomotion) • Maintenance of posture • Respiration:- Diaphragm and intercostal contractions • Communication (Verbal and Facial) • Constriction of organs and vessels:-   Peristalsis of intestinal tract  Vasoconstriction of blood vessels and other structures (pupils) • Production of body heat ( Thermogenesis ) Skeletal muscles · Most are attached by tendons to bones · Cells are multinucleated · Striated – have visible banding · Voluntary – subject to conscious control · Cells are surrounded and bundled by connective tissue =  great force, but tires easily • Sarcolemma = Cell membrane • Sarcoplasm = Cytoplasm • Sarcoplasmic Reticulum = Endoplasmic Reticulum • Sar